2007 第一回 台北 mini Munch! / The First Munch in 2007!

新年快樂!迎接新的一年,怎能不聚一下呢?雖然皮繩愉虐邦眾工作人員們仍在從夜色繩艷的宿醉逐漸復原中,我們將在這週末,一月 13 日週六,辦一場簡單的 mini munch. 欲報名請快唷!

時間: 一月十三日週六,下午兩點起
地點: 台北某餐廳 將在通知 email 中公佈
內容: 輕鬆地吃、喝、聊天、認識朋友
費用: 自行點餐,不另外收費
報名: 請 email 至 shin[AT]bdsm.com.tw, 註明 1. 暱稱 2. 連絡電話(以備 email 通知不到時使用). 收到 email 後將通知地點。

Happy New Year! BDSM Taiwan is happy to announce our first munch in 2007. Since we are still recovering from the fatigue after the Nawatsuya 2006 performance, we will keep this munch very simple.

Date and Time: Saturday, 13th of January, from 2pm.
Venue: a restaurant in Taipei. To be announced in the notification email.
What: Just chatting, talking, getting to know each other!
Cost: Order your own food from the bar.

To come to the munch, please send an email to shin[AT]bdsm.com.tw. More detailed will be given in the reply.

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